
ノブデンタルオフィス|健康とQOLを重視する歯科医療の提供者 東京駅八重洲口直結のノブデンタルオフィスは、健康とQOL(Quality of Life)の向上をコアコンセプトに掲げる、日本を代表する歯科医療機関の一つです。その哲学と実践について、院長の北原先生にインタビューを行いました。


東京駅八重洲口直結のノブデンタルオフィスは、健康とQOL(Quality of Life)の向上をコアコンセプトに掲げる、日本を代表する歯科医療機関の一つです。その哲学と実践について、院長の北原先生にインタビューを行いました。











- 「原因解決型」というのはインパクトのあるキーワードですね
























Nobu Dental Office|Provider of Dental Care Focusing on Health and Quality of Life Nobu Dental Office, located directly at the Yaesu Exit of Tokyo Station, is one of the leading dental care institutions in Japan with the core concept of improving health and quality of life (QOL). We interviewed the director, Dr. Kitahara, about its philosophy and practice.

Appearance Doctor Prosthodontics (Coverings) Dr. Shinya KitaharaTEAM Tokyo Nobu Restorative Dental Office


Nobu Dental Office|Provider of dental care emphasizing health and QOL


Nobu Dental Office, located directly at the Yaesu Exit of Tokyo Station, is one of the leading dental care providers in Japan with the core concept of improving health and quality of life (QOL). We interviewed the director, Dr. Kitahara, about its philosophy and practice.


Nobu Dental Office.A dental clinic that inherits the will and techniques of Japan's top-level dentists.The "interdisciplinary approach" in which each specialist brings his/her opinion to a single case to provide world-class dental care.TEAM Tokyo, led by Chairman Kitahara, was the first organization in Japan to realize the interdisciplinary approach by bringing together three dental specialties on one floor in 2012.Nobu Dental Office is a flagship dental clinic that inherits the will and technology of TEAM Tokyo.We provide high-quality treatment in a high-quality space. That is the greatest feature of Nobu Dental Office.


Cause-Sensitive" Quality of Life Improvement


- Cause-sensitive" is an impactful key phrase, isn't it?


The concept at Nobu Dental Office is all about improving your quality of life. Nowadays, life is more and more about health; the days of being called 'grandma's grandma' at age 60 or 70 are gone. Nowadays, you can stay young and healthy until you are 90 years old. We provide the utmost support so that people can enjoy life beyond the age of 80 without dental problems.

To support his concept, Dr. Kitahara shared the story of an elderly couple who planned a boat trip.


An elderly couple, around 80 years old, planned a round-the-world cruise and boarded the ship, but they had difficulty eating on board. They wore dentures and had difficulty eating on board. However, with the help of a dentist they met by chance in the U.S., they received dental implants and were able to enjoy their meals. Their joy was immeasurable."

This episode highlights the importance of a healthy mouth and embodies the treatment philosophy of Nobu Dental Office.We make it possible for people to enjoy their lives, even after they reach 80 years of age, and to always be active and not be bothered by their teeth.

What Nobu Dental Office provides is the very "happiness" and "excitement" from this kind of quality of life improvement.


What we can offer because we are a group of specialist doctors


Dr. Kitahara also mentioned that they are a group of specialists. We are a group of specialists, and while each specialist works independently, we work as a team to provide the best treatment for our patients. We believe this approach is very important to ensure that our treatments meet the needs of our patients."


The Nobu Dental Office website also reflects this philosophy. The structure of the website is important. It is a good idea to have it written from the entrance to tell patients that we are a group of specialists. It is also important to utilize pictures of the hospital and the doctors to make the pages more attractive."


From our interview with Dr. Kitahara, we learned that Nobu Dental Office aims to improve health and quality of life, and as a group of specialists, they value teamwork and providing the best possible care to their patients. Their philosophy and practice can be conveyed very well from this interview.


~Let's take a look at the new website together~!https://www.nobu-dental-office.com/(Interview by Doctorbook editorial staff)


Clinic Information

Clinic Name:TEAM Tokyo Noblestrative Dental Office

Director Name:Shinya KitaharaDepartment:Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Address:Yaesuguchi Kaikan 1F, 1-7-20 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028, Japan

Nearest Station:Tokyo Station Yaesu Central Exit and Yaesu North Exit

Yaesu Central Exit and Yaesu North Exit of Tokyo Station

Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9:30 - 18:30 Sunday (only the third day) 9:30 - 18:30

Phone number:03-6225-5005






北原 信也 先生

