北米神経科学会 (Society for Neuroscience)、国際頭痛学会 (International Headache Society)
米国頭痛学会(American Headache Society)、関西頭痛懇話会(世話人)
1. Takeshima T, Wan Q, Zhang Y, Komori M, Stretton S, Rajan N, et al. Prevalence, burden, and clinical management of migraine in China, Japan, and South Korea: a comprehensive review of the literature. J Headache Pain. 2019;20(1):111.
2. Sakai F, Takeshima T, Tatsuoka Y, Hirata K, Lenz R, Wang Y, et al. A Randomized Phase 2 Study of Erenumab for the Prevention of Episodic Migraine in Japanese Adults. Headache 2019 Nov;59(10):1731-42.
3. Danno D, Iigaya M, Imai N, Igarashi H, Takeshima T. The safety and preventive effects of a supraorbital transcutaneous stimulator in Japanese migraine patients. Sci Rep 2019 ;9(1):9900.
4. Kikui S, Miyahara J, Sugiyama H, Yamakawa K, Kashiwaya Y, Ishizaki K, Danno D, Takeshima T. Clinical profile of SUNCT/SUNA in Japan: A clinic-based study. Cephalalgia Report 2: 1-6, 2019
5. 竹島多賀夫. 頭痛外来専門医が教える!頭痛の診かた. 金芳堂、2017年11月
6. Takeshima T, Suzuki N, Matsumori Y, et al. Effectiveness and safety of an extended-release tablet of sodium valproate for the prophylactic treatment of migraine: Postmarketing surveillance in Japan. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience 4:134-141、 2016.
7. 竹島多賀夫 編著: 頭痛治療薬の考え方、使い方.第2版 中外医学社、2016年10月
8. 竹島多賀夫.迷わない!見逃さない!頭痛診療の極意.丸善出版、2014年11月
9. Imamura K, Takeshima T, Kashiwaya Y, Nakaso K, Nakashima K. D-beta-hydroxybutyrate protects dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells in a rotenone model of Parkinson's disease.
J Neurosci Res 2006; 84: 1376-1384.
10. Takeshima T, Ishizaki K, Fukuhara Y, Ijiri T, Kusumi M, Wakutani Y, Mori M, Kawashima M, Kowa H, Adachi Y, Urakami K, Nakashima K. Population based door-to-door survey of migraine in Japan: the Daisen Study. Headache 44 (1): 8-19, 2004
11. Takeshima T, Fukuhara Y, Adachi Y, Ishizaki K, Kusumi M, Kowa H, Iigaya M, Sakai F, and Nakashima K. Leukocyte mitochondrial DNA A-to-G polymorphism at 11084 is not a risk factor for Japanese migraineurs. Cephalalgia 21: 987-989,2001.
12. Kashiwaya Y, Takeshima T, Mori N, Nakashima K, Clarke K, Veech RL. D-β-hydroxybutyrate protects neurons in models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 97 : 5440-5444, 2000
13. Takeshima, T., Johnston, J.M., and Commissiong, J.W.(1994) Mesencephalic type I astrocytes rescue dopaminergic neurons from death induced by serum deprivation.